- Review on Marco Santos @ Sintoma Fest - Hot Clube Portugal,
Lisbon - 8 Dec 2015 - “The drummer and composer, resident in the Netherlands, has shown us that there is no work already done that is really finished; that music, in a context like jazz, is constantly reshaping. With a completely different instrumentation then on the CD, and with other members, including the trumpeter Diogo Duque, the accordionist João Frade and bassist Romeo Tristão, Santos has exemplified the role that the mentors of “Sintoma Records” label propose: energize, create conditions, unifying musicians, moving the scene.. ...the concert will definitely remain in the memory of those who attended to this precious moment...” |
- Sábado - 26th, June 2014 - by Rita Bertrand -
“...Enhanced album with strong melodies, but does not end there, proposing unexpected harmonic voltefaces in the middle of the themes with sober arrangements, in which (never fracturing) occasional solos occur contributing to the overall tone - atmospheric and luminous ...” |
- Written in Music - 19th, February 2014 - by Rik van Boeckel -
“Here you can hear influences from classical music gently scattered on the jazz soil! (...) One of the best compositions for me is Reset, with very ingenious percussion by Santos but the other musicians shine as well! (...) This is a strong debut of Marco Santos and I am curious about what he will bring in the future.” |
- Jazzflits nr. 209 - 16th, December 2013 - by Hans Invernizzi -
“The work of the portuguese drummer Marco Santos (1981) is spherical, melodic and refined... (...) ‘Ode Portrait’ became a bright, warm cd, where you hear young driven musicians playing there instruments really well and there is a good intimacy in the band.” |
- Musicframes - 27th, November 2013 - by Mattie Poels -
“From the opening track ‘Mood Message’ you are pulled into a dynamic energy with endured themes, rhythmic movements and inventive solo’s. The ‘repetition of rhythmic patterns‘ is typical for Santos’s compositions, that gives the music a kind of flow and prepares a foundation for lots of rhythmic variations.” |